Network configuration

Enable the capability of networking

In the environment of FVP-based emulation, there are many components involved so enabling a network is not an easy task. The three components involved are:

  • (1) PC Host (Ubuntu only supported at this time of writing), which tries to launch FVP Host.
  • (2) FVP Host, which is going to be running as a guest machine of PC Host.
  • (3) Realm, which is going to be launched by FVP Host and acts as a guest to FVP Host.

In our network configuration, each of the three has different static IP address so that they can communicate with each other by specifying a proper destination IP address. Under this setting, any of the three can act as either server or client.

And here is how to make "FVP Host and Realm" capable of communicating through to PC Host. First of all, make sure you are in the root directory of Islet and go through the following instructions. In most cases, you would probably not have to customize network-related arguments and feed them into fvp-cca. Using a default configuration would be sufficient.

# full command:
# ./scripts/fvp-cca --normal-world=linux-net --realm=linux --rmm=tf-rmm --host-ip=<PC Host IP> --fvp-ip=<FVP IP> --fvp-tap-ip=<FVP Tap Device IP> --realm-ip=<Realm IP> --route-ip=<Route IP> --gateway=<Gateway IP of PC Host> --ifname=<Interface name>

$ ./scripts/fvp-cca --normal-world=linux-net --realm=linux --rmm=tf-rmm
  # this takes a default network configuration in which
  # --host-ip:
  # --fvp-ip:
  # --fvp-tap-ip:
  # --realm-ip:
  # --route-ip:
  # --gateway-ip:
  # --ifname: eth0

FVP is able to communicate through Host to external networks in a similar way to what most VMs do. To do so, it is required to assign a real IP address (wired or wireless) into the PC host while IP addresses for FVP Host and Realm do not have to be a real IP, since the PC Host takes the role of NAT in order to hide their IPs from external networks.

A closer look at network configuration

This is how the aforementioned three components interact with each other:

// A default configuration
// Realm:     IP: (static address),  Gateway: (the tap device of FVP Host)
// FVP Host:  IP: (static address),   Tap:
// PC Host:   IP: (a real IP address + bridge/tap device + network address translation)

Realm <----------------> FVP Host  <-----------------> PC Host
      (tap network)  (ipv4_forward) (tap network)