Platform Developer

Platform developers are who want to develop Confidential Computing Platform Components. Platform components include from Realm Management Monitor(RMM) to Realm.

Islet provides Rust-based RMM and scripts to compose Confidential Computing Platform. You can explore CCA platform with our scripts and powerful third-party projects.

Setting build environment

The first step is to prepare to build our project.


Running a linux realm

// Start FVP on host
$ ./scripts/fvp-cca --normal-world=linux --realm=linux --rmm=islet

// Run a linux realm on fvp
$ ./

Running SDK sample apps after running a linux realm

// Move to shared dir on realm
$ cd /shared

// Insert RSI kernel module
$ insmod rsi.ko

// Run the sample app (rust)
$ ./sdk-example

// Run the sample app (c)
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./sdk-example-c

Running a linux realm with a networking support and prebuilt examples

See examples. To get details about its network configuration, see

Testing the realm features

// Start FVP on fvp
$ ./scripts/fvp-cca --normal-world=linux --realm=linux --rmm=islet

// Test the realm features on fvp
$ ./ [attest]

Testing RMMs with tf-a-tests

# Islet RMM
$ ./scripts/fvp-cca --normal-world=tf-a-tests --rmm=islet

$ ./scripts/fvp-cca --normal-world=tf-a-tests --rmm=tf-rmm

Testing RMMs with ACS

# Islet RMM
$ ./scripts/fvp-cca --normal-world=acs --rmm=islet

$ ./scripts/fvp-cca --normal-world=acs --rmm=tf-rmm