Application Developer

Application developers are who want to develop Confidential Applications. Confidential Application is kind of application running on Confidential Computing.

We provides Islet SDK which supports to build Confidential Applications. Islet SDK provides Confidential Computing API (Attestation, Sealing). You can run Confidential Applications not only on Arm FVP(arm64) but also on Host PC(x86_64, simulated version) with Islet SDK.

For more information about Islet SDK, please refer this document.

Setting Rust environment

The first step is to prepare Rust environment.

$ ./scripts/deps/

Run the example app with SDK

You can easily explore confidential computing APIs on your x86_64 host machine. Islet SDK provides code examples and the build script.

$ cd sdk
$ make run-simulated

# Islet SDK examples: A simulated app running on x86_64
Simulated attestation operation on x86_64.
Verify Realm Signature.
== Signature Verification:
Sign Algo	 = [ES384]
Public Key	 = ["0476f988091be585ed41801aecfab858548c63057e16b
Data		 = ["846a5369676e61747572653144a1013822405901b6a70
Signature	 = ["ec4f3b28a00feabd1f58f94acb27fdc7957545409f1c9
== End of Signature Verification


Attestation result Ok(())
Sealing result Ok(())

Example code snippet

Below is code snippet of the example. You can refer the whole example code.

fn main() {
use islet_sdk::prelude::*;

// Attestation
let user_data = b"User data";
let report = attest(user_data)?;
let claims = verify(&report)?;
println!("Debug: {:?}", claims);

// Sealing
let plaintext = b"Plaintext";
let sealed = seal(plaintext)?;
let unsealed = unseal(&sealed)?;
assert_eq!(plaintext, &unsealed[..]);