use core::arch::asm;
pub const SMC_SUCCESS: usize = 0;
#[cfg(any(kani, miri, test))]
pub const SMC_ERROR: usize = 1;
pub fn smc(cmd: usize, args: &[usize]) -> [usize; 8] {
let mut ret: [usize; 8] = [0usize; 8];
let mut padded_args: [usize; 8] = [0usize; 8];
let start = 1;
let end = start + args.len();
if end > ret.len() - 1 {
error!("{} arguments exceed the current limit of smc call. Please try assigning more registers to smc", args.len());
return ret;
let put = |arr: &mut [usize; 8]| {
arr[0] = cmd;
put(&mut ret);
put(&mut padded_args);
#[cfg(any(kani, miri, test))]
if cmd == crate::rmi::gpt::MARK_REALM {
use crate::get_granule;
use crate::granule::entry::GranuleGpt;
let addr = args[0];
let gpt = get_granule!(addr).map(|guard| guard.gpt).unwrap();
if gpt != GranuleGpt::GPT_NS {
ret[0] = SMC_ERROR;
} else {
let _ = get_granule!(addr).map(|mut guard| guard.set_gpt(GranuleGpt::GPT_REALM));
ret[0] = SMC_SUCCESS;
} else if cmd == crate::rmi::gpt::MARK_NONSECURE {
use crate::get_granule;
use crate::granule::entry::GranuleGpt;
let addr = args[0];
let is_valid = get_granule!(addr).map(|guard| guard.is_valid()).unwrap();
let gpt = get_granule!(addr).map(|guard| guard.gpt).unwrap();
if gpt != GranuleGpt::GPT_REALM {
ret[0] = SMC_ERROR;
} else {
let _ = get_granule!(addr).map(|mut guard| guard.set_gpt(GranuleGpt::GPT_NS));
ret[0] = SMC_SUCCESS;
#[cfg(not(any(kani, miri, test)))]
unsafe {
"smc #0x0",
inlateout("x0") padded_args[0] => ret[0],
inlateout("x1") padded_args[1] => ret[1],
inlateout("x2") padded_args[2] => ret[2],
inlateout("x3") padded_args[3] => ret[3],
inlateout("x4") padded_args[4] => ret[4],
inlateout("x5") padded_args[5] => ret[5],
inlateout("x6") padded_args[6] => ret[6],
inlateout("x7") padded_args[7] => ret[7],
pub fn dcache_flush(addr: usize, len: usize) {
let mut cur_addr = addr;
let addr_end = addr + len;
unsafe {
while cur_addr < addr_end {
asm!("dc civac, {}", in(reg) cur_addr);
asm!("dsb ish");
cur_addr += 64; }